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  • School uniform

    Dear Parents!

       We would like to inform you that from September 2018 compulsory school uniforms were introduced at Tamos Education schools.

    A strict daily routine in the form of clothing – has a positive effect on the responsibility and seriousness of the student to the education. Firstly, he is not distracted by his own appearance and does not pursue the fashion of other peers. Secondly, he does not waste time on all sorts of perfection. Putting on a strict uniform, the student immediately tunes in to study and the result.

    The school uniform does not upset the balance in financial security. In the life of a student and his or her classmates, friction over taste and fashion for clothes disappears. Conflict situations against this background, when wearing a school uniform, are reduced to nothing.

    The school uniform is beneficial for its economic component. Funds spent on school uniforms anyway will still be lower than the bulk cost of other casual wearing.

    Наш полный каталог доступен в формате .pdfСкачать каталог
    Для девочек
    Для мальчиков
    Почему ученики и родители
    выбирают форму Tamos?
    стильная форма, которую захочется надевать каждый день
    Качественные материалы, устойчевые к частым стиркам
    большой модельный ряд, на каждый сезон

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