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  • Tamos Alumni

    TAMOS Alumni.

    The idea of the TAMOS family extends not only to the students at school, but also to all members of our family who graduated from TAMOS, entered universities, and began to work. Since The Marketing Heaven is actively involved in promoting our school on social media, we are glad to have more and more interested who want to join our family. We invite our former students to graduate events so that they can tell us about their successes after their graduation.

    Наши выпускники поступают
    в лучшие ВУЗы Казахстана

    После окончания нашей школы выпускники имеют высокие шансы на поступление в лучшие ВУЗы мира

    Мы гордимся нашими выпускниками и поддерживаем их после выпуска

    Мы гордимся
    • Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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      Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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    • Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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      Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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    • Graduation year.
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      Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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    • Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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      Graduation year.
      Name & Surname
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    Kaupynbayev Zhangeldy
    Association president

    I greet everyone on the Tamos Education graduates’ page. My name is Zhangeldy, I studied at our dear school from my 1st grade. I am honored and proud to represent the graduates’ association of our school. I would like to express my gratitude to the school administration and school graduates for their confidence and opportunity to develop the graduates’ association.

    Every year we conduct Graduates’ evenings. In order for you to receive an invitation, you have to leave a request on our page. Dear graduates, new ideas and suggestions are welcome!

    Отзывы наших выпускников

    Школа Tamos Education выпустила более 600 выпускников. Наша команда гордится своими выпускниками.

    Присоединяйтесь к нам!

    Дорогой выпускник, ежегодно мы проводим встречи выпускников.
    Для того чтобы мы заранее отправили приглашение на наше мероприятие тебе нужно заполнить следующую форму

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    Tamos education school 2020©
    All rights reserved®

    Website development «Dreamworks»


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    Primary Physics and Mathematics School
    Abisha Kekilbayeva Street 129/4, Bostandyk district 050060, Almaty, Kazakhstan
    Kindergarten «TAMOSIK»
    Kakimbek Salikov Street 140, Nur Alatau, Bostandyk district 050045, Almaty, Kazakhstan
    New school in Nur Alatau
    Kakimbek Salikov Street 140, Nur Alatau, Bostandyk district 050045, Almaty, Kazakhstan